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THE FOURTHWAY MANHO E-JOURNAL Volume 138 January 8, 2021 |
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COSMIC SECRETS AND THE VARIOUS PARADIGMS OF THE RAY OF CREATION By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho (An excerpt from the original work, Real World Views Book 23, Further Records I, Article 8, Topic: "Cosmic Secrets and the Various Paradigms of the Ray of Creation" by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho)
Article 8, Topic:
1. Ray of Creation according to Ain Soph Aur
"The proper arrangement of the Ray of Creation is
as follows: 1. Absolute - Protocosmos 2. All the worlds from all of the clusters of
Galaxies - Ayocosmos 3. A Galaxy or group of Suns - Macrocosmos 4. The Sun, Solar System - Deuterocosmos 5. The Earth, or any of the planets - Mesocosmos 6. The Philosophical Earth, Human Being -
Microcosmos 7. The Abyss, Hell - Tritocosmos
"The brothers and sisters of the Gnostic Movement
must deeply comprehend the esoteric knowledge which we give in this
Christmas Message, in order for them to exactly know the place that they
occupy in the Ray of Creation." - Samuel Aun Weor,
The Elimination of Satan's Tail
2. Plato
There are 7 main civilizations and numerous sub-specie civilizations derived from these 7 main civilizations that expouse varying understanding of noomakhia cosmologies of the same for which this research on noomakhia cosmology is just one of them. The full spectrum of noomakhia cosmologies can be found in the real noosphere (NOO) as it is of the current still existing in the real world as actually existing C-influences in function and operation and/or with its past archeological and archeosophical B-influences of the relics: 1) The Eastern NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of civilization being (Sinic, Buddhist, Daoist, Tibetan, Hindu civilizations) 2) The Western NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of civilization being (Anglo-Atlantic, Greek, Western European civilizations) 3) The Northern NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of civilization being (Slavic, Kievan, Orthodox, Eastern European civilizations) 4) The Middle-Eastern/Central Asia NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of civilization being (Islamic, Mesopotamia, Babylonian, Zoroastrian, Iranian civilizations) 5) The South Asia NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of civilization being (Indic, Vedic, Akhand Bharat civilizations) 6) The Latin America NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of civilization being (Olmecs, Maya, Aztecs civilizations) 7) The African NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of civilization being (Ancient Egypt, D'mt (Ethopia), Aksumite (Ethopia) civilizations) Collectively, they would be able to provide us with a bigger spectrum of knowledge and understanding of these Earth civilization's cosmological teachings - existing and archaeological (past). The cosmic secrets discussed here is closely linked to the Gurdjieff-Ouspensky cosmology, which is more of a presentation of a unique cosmological teaching that arises from an attempt to integrate and understand all the essential cosmological teachings from all the 7 main Earth civilizations (Civilization Enneagram) - and presented in its own unique manner, and in its own Wittgenstein language captivity based on the law of triad and the law of octave in association with all the basic laws of Marxian dialectical materialism, and numerous other laws. It is an application of the laws used to derived a new emerging knowledge and understanding of 'All and Everything' and to enable a broad-based cosmological resolution to a new general cosmological outcome with all its content as a new involving and evolving common-denomination seed for the common sharing-destiny and future direction of Humanity-at-Large or for all the main Earth civilizations as one - all within this Wittgenstein language captivity. 3. Gurdjieff’s Cosmology and the Octave of Pythagoras
The Rays of Creation together is a harmonious universal musical song vast, eternal and endlessness descending and ascending vibrating intensely at all His gravity-centers that come and go in this vast music endlessly! Gurdjieff's cosmology is based on the model of a musical octave and has antecedents in the musical and geometric harmonies and proportions elucidated by the Greek philosopher Pythagoras and his followers, as is shown by the quotation from Plato's Republic given above. He is given credit for discovering that the interval of a diatonic, 7-tone scale is rooted in the ratio 2:1, that of the fifth in 3:2, that of the fourth in 4:3, and that of the whole tone in 9:8. Followers of Pythagoras applied these ratios to lengths of a string on an instrument called a canon, or monochord, and thereby were able to determine mathematically the intonation of an entire musical system. The Pythagoreans saw these ratios as governing forces in the cosmos as well as in sounds. Plato, in the Timaeus describes the soul of the world as structured according to these same musical ratios. Further connections to ancient Egypt and their Ennead of the gods may also be inferred since Pythagoras is said to have studied with the Egyptian priests. The Hermetic philosophers of the Middle Ages also drew heavily on the Pythagorean Music of the Spheres to formulate their models of the universe. The Divine Comedy written by the poet Dante Alighieri (1265 AD -1321 AD) is an allegorical narrative of the poet's imaginary journey, firstly, through hell and purgatory, guided by Virgil, a symbol of reason and subsequently, through the nine circles of heaven, guided by Beatrice, a symbol of the Mother Goddess. Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) described nine Ranks of Angels. Robert Flood, an Elizabethan Alchemist, also depicted the universe as a Divine Monochord. According to Gurdjieff, the Enneagram is a universal symbol by which all processes in the universe can be understood. As the universe unfolds from the Absolute and elaborates itself in the Ray of Creation, its complexity increases over Time as the various gradations of energy interact according to the Laws of Three and Seven. Beginning with the Absolute, the Law of Three manifests in its most simple form as the three fundamental forces in the universe, the Active, Passive and Neutral. At each step or note of the Ray of Creation the Law of Three multiplies and generates more interactions. The sequence of elaboration of laws given by Ouspensky follows a pattern of doubling at every level, that is, 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 ……. Likewise, every note of the octave of the Ray of Creation generates within it octaves of sub-harmonics, leading to the formation of galaxies, suns, planets, sub-atomic particles, atoms, molecules, compounds, cells, plants, animals, etc. Ouspensky used Hydrogen (H) to provide a 'qualitative' factor to these pure numbers 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 ...... We could also use Higgs (H) from the Standard Model of the Periodic Table of Elementary Particles (sub-atomic level) of our modern discovery to denote the same thing. What is important here is to remember that these numbers represent cosmic properties at the quantum level and beyond, that is, cosmobiological and cosmopsychological, cosmosociological and cosmotechnological or cosmodesignological levels. Note that this is about a single Ray of Creation or a branch Ray observed from our location at one of the MI-FA Intervals in all the Rays of Creation. Note that at the top of the (our) Ray of Creation is the note ‘DO’ of the Absolute Above (a soundless "Big Bang") and at the bottom ‘DO’ is another Absolute below (another soundless "Big Bang" to be), telling us that a new octave might come-into-being or a Cosmic Cycle is about to begin for this (our) Ray of Creation. Also our branch ray might be dying or “clashing” with the other approaching branch rays or “clashing” by the parts. "The Organic Life at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation which began historically as organobiocosmic octave and ended as organobiosociotechnocosmic octave, that is, from pure Organic Life to a mix of Organic and AI Robotic Machine Life. The biosociotechnocosmic stopinderation here at this MI-FA Interval has yet to encounter a biosociotehnocosmic stopinderation of aliens or alien civilizations from the trillions of MI-FA Intervals existing in the trillions of rays of creation in this current evervast-and-everpresence-to-our-earthly-consciousness of the (our) Great Cosmic Being (this our universe)." (Tan Man Ho) "Ah! These dying suns, big and small, having burnt out all their fuels stage by stage as they became Hawking radiation emitting rascooarnoed dead sun-bodies much shrunk in sizes due to their massive fuel loss now remain as inward-moving gravity wave at the speed of light to their own singularities. As this inward-moving gravity wave is equal to or even greater than the speed of light, they appear like a very dark hole to the eyes of these hethormen human beings - so they are called “black holes” by our contemporary physicists. Having arisen as Stellar nebular (Do) and depending on the sizes, average star or massive star as the Ti-stopinder of sun-octave, they started burning away their fuels transforming in stages into red giants or red supergiants as the La-stopinder, then became planetary nebula or supernova as the So-stopinder, then to another stage of white dwarf or white giant as the Fa-stopinder burning of all their fuels, and now become started compressing its electrons and their energy shells orbit by orbit and become the Mi-stopinder of the neutron star which upon further compression by their own inward-moving gravity pull exploded or bursting asunder as supernova and finally become dead rascooarnoed suns called the black holes as the Re-stopinder of our sun-octave which leaving only traces of Hawking radiation emanating from their rascooarnoed disappearing bodies. Anything here still useful of the dead rascooarnoed sun as a Do-stopinder might be recyclable for possible “Big Bang” of an Absolute (DO) of the Ray of Creation.
A red giant or supergiant/hypergiant (La) would have burnt off
everything on the surface of all its
planetary and lunar cosmic concentrations of matter in its own solar system
and notably all the MI-FA Intervals' content that might be present on their
exoplanets such as organic life of the biocosmic octave and the synthetic life of the technocosmic octave,
transforming them into a "planetary" nebula (So) and later into white dwarf
(Fa) or for the case of the red supergiant and red hypergiant a super/hyper nova
(So and Fa) sun systems and each sun system into a possible neutron star (Mi) and finally,
if the gravitational pull is great enough, becomes a black hole (Re) pulling
or eating everything including light at and near its Event Horizon into
Singularity in wait to become either a white hole that would become
a "Big Bang" for a new Ray of Creation or disappears as parts or remnant
matter or "debris" in the universe. The black hole would not stay
always a black hole with powerful gravity-center inner-directed
vector-gravitational waves but might later becomes a white hole or a
contributor ‘Big Bang’ to the creation of a new stellar nebula branch in the
Grand Ray of Creation.
A white hole as a yang cosmic gravity-center of a cosmic octave 'absolute' stopinder in the making
Before becoming a "Singularity", the death star (sun) or the black hole becomes a gravastar (gravity-sun) and to a Planck-star (quantum star with quantum gravity), and may turn into a white hole and a 'Big Bang'; otherwise, it may become a mere wormhole. Black holes are of three types: stellar mass black holes (1- 100 times the mass of the sun), supermassive black holes (millions to billions of a stellar mass black hole) and the intermediate mass black holes (have masses ranged in between the two). The 'Singularity' is a dark energy conversion center, very deep and very long with the collapsed dead sun still lying very deep down there, and might has a wormhole for distributing the dark energy produced into the “environment” of the Rays of Creation or a white hole of bright energy produced into the “environment” of this same ray. Near this ‘Singularity’ the quantum octave of gravity (G) with all its quantum gravity stopinders emerge with many micro-gravity black holes of dark matter of the collapsed sun (Yin) and many micro-white holes of bright matter of the reviving sun (Yang) in a sudden Yin-Yang Flip. The other quantum octaves including the 1st lateral quantum octave of eternal-unchanging eternity stopinders and the 2nd lateral quantum octaves of ever-changing timespace stopinders surround this quantum gravity octave of gravity stopinders between the Yin-Yang Flip at this ‘Singularity.’
The ABSOLUTE 'DO' (Above) meets the ABSOLUTE 'DO' (Below) is the SUPERBOUNCE of an inflection point! Universes with forms come and go, but when the Great Ray of Creation for which ours is only one of them dies, it is to be reborn by the SUPERBOUNCE of the inflection point. However, a spacecraft can be propelled by a man-made mini-blackhole in-front to enable spacecraft propulsion around the Evergreat Cosmic Enneagram using the law of falling very deep into this man-made mini-blackhole and superbouncing it away with control or just closing the mini-blackhole to free itself and leave.
The unity of a black hole and a white hole (Yin-Yang Point) of a cosmic
gravity-center as an infantile 'absolute' of a possible branch ray of
creation. The billions of billions Galactic Centers of All Worlds (all
galaxies) TI-cosmic stopinder for which all stars (All Suns) of each galaxy
orbited is the home of the biggest galactic black holes (absolutes below)
on-recycling-and-conversion into white holes (absolutes above). Note that
the ‘Will of the Absolute’ is placed at the “SO-LA” Interval instead of
placing it at its rightful place at the TI-DO Interval because:
5. The ‘Organic Life of the biosociocosmoses as well as the Synthetic Life of the Sociotechnocosmoses is in the MI-FA Interval controlling all the suns’ family of planets, earths or earth-like exoplanets with mi-fa intervals and the moons.
The periodic table of elements showing spdf sub-orbitals and the s, p, d and f blocks of elements which are the essentially the inner octaves (Transition Elements) and inner inner octaves (Lanthanides and the Actinides) all at the MI-FA Intervals of the Fundamental Octaves of Elements innerly linked to the "So-La" and TI-DO Interval. As to the TI-DO Intervals there is a ‘Filling-Full-Stop” or a closure to the filling of the sub-orbitals resulting in stable elements terminating the quantitative filling changes of the electrons and enabling qualitative leaps into stable elements of each of the 7 fundamental octaves of the elements, namely into He (1s2 ), Ne ( 2s2 2p6 ), Ar (3s2 3p6 ), Kr (4s2 4p6 ), Xe (5s2 5p6 ), Rn (6s2 6p6 ) and Og 118. This 7th fundamental octave (n = 7) of elements was later complete when Nihonium (Nh 113), Flerovium (Fl 114), Moscovium (Mc 115), Livermorium (Lv 116), Tennessine (Ts 117) and Oganesson (Og 118) which were previously unknown except for Francium (Fr 87) and Radium (Ra 88) were discovered. As to the 2 unknown elements or atoms 119 and 120 of the 8th fundamental octave of elements or atoms (n = 8), we have not yet found them - they might be found in the moons or other planets if still could not be produced or found on Earth. (Tan Man Ho)
There should also be a termination of
the fundamental octaves in the Periodic Table of Elements (or atoms) at the
Ti-Do Interval (Ti = n = 7 to Do = n = 8).
The final diad at Do would be X119 ?** and X120 ? ** (** without names and
a next higher level fundamental octave of mega atoms to
be discovered, .... and is unlikely for the next higher fundamental octave
would be the fundamental octave of molecules, compounds and mixtures), a yin-yang, just like in the 1st
fundamental octave of elements (n
= 1) at the diad Do named 1 H and 2 He,
an initial yin-yang but this time mega atoms in an diad. In between is a myriad of enneagrams and Chinese
hexagrams. All that leaves the Absolute or
Wu (nothing)
becomes triads/diads and then to the enneagrams or hexagrams …. And finally
must return to an absolute or a wu
at another level. (Tan Man Ho)
All the Elements in all the Rays of Creation All the Elements in all the Rays of Creation Notice that Group A is an octave itself with similar chemical properties for all the 8 fundamental octave periods. Group A consists of 1A (do), 2A (ti), 3A (la), 4A (so), 5A (fa), 6A (mi), 7A (re) and 8A (do). Group B is again an octave itself with similar chemical properties for all the transition elements or atoms of all the 4 lateral octaves. Group B consists of 1B (do), 2B (re), 3B (mi), 4B (fa), 5B (so), 6B (la), 7B (ti) and 8B (do) which has 3 elements. Both the lanthanides and the actinides are inner bi-octaves within the main transition octaves in Group B. However, they are mostly fractals of incomplete lateral octaves. Fractals or fragments of an otherwise complete octave stopinders exist in both the fundamental and lateral octaves. Finally, there are some elements or atoms in the periodic table whose sub-atomic particles have peculiar quantum properties or cosmic properties and even near psychic properties (mega-cosmic or divine and micro-cosmic or biological consciousness properties). These are slowly uncovered while exploring and developing the Standard Periodic Table of Particles (subatomic particles). Please refer to the Standard Periodic Table of Particles. Particles themselves are subjected to the law of octave.
Aufbau principle for filling electrons in the spdf suborbitals with increasing n + 1 value (fractal numbers). The octet rule for the stability of an atom in the process of 'filling of electrons' into the s, sp, spd and spdf orbital shells is that atoms would be most stable when valence shells are filled with 8 electrons. It is based on the observation that the atoms of the main group of elements have a tendency to participate in chemical bonding in such a way that each atom of the resulting molecules has eight electrons in the valence shell. The octet rule is only applicable to the main group elements here.
The Standard Periodic Table of Elements can be rearranged using all the fractal groups of elements such as those represented in white color, yellow color pinkish-brown color and purple color and organized them into the fundamental octave of elements, the 1st lateral octave of elements (the Transition elements) and 2nd lateral octave of elements (the Lanthanides and the Actinides) both occurring at the MI-FA Interval or in the transition elements. Those elements in the 8 fundamental octave periods at Do, Ti, La, So, Fa, Mi, Re and Do Ray of Creation’s stopinders (n = 1 - 8) both represented by the white to the yellow group of colors with 2 fundamental diad of yin-yang elements in period 1 (n =1) and in period 8 (n = 8) represented in white color as Do above and Do below stopinders and both occur at the Ti-Do Interval above and below. The 1st lateral octave of elements occurs at the Mi-Fa Intervals of the ascending aufbau horizontal octave (Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti and Do) as 1st group of transition elements represented by the pinkish-brown color from period 4 to period 7 (n = 4 to n = 7) and occurs again in the 2nd lateral octave of elements as the 2nd group of inner transition elements of the lanthanides in period 6 (n = 6) and actinides in period 7 (n = 7). Putting everything together we have a unified Fractal Octaves of the Standard Periodic Table of Elements. Reasoning along this logic, active to passive atoms from active Hydrogen (H1) through passive Helium (He2) in period 1 at Do-stopinders above and from the unknown active element (X119) and the unknown passive elements (X120) in period 8 at Do-stopinders below must close the periods into a state not necessary elements as the concluding ‘neutral state’ which is the force for the further fillings of protons and electrons of the ascending atoms, thus it should be obeying the law of triad. The further development or ascending of atoms' auto-aufbau suborbital electron filling process from Lithium (Li3) through Oganesson (Og118) from period 3 to period 7 (n =3 -7) would obey the law of octave. The triad law of forces - active, passive and neutral forces - and the octave law of stopinderation (Do, Ti, La, So, Fa, Mi, Re and Do) permeate throughout the whole aufbau or construction of the universe’s elements or atoms.
All the Elements in all the Rays of Creation (Fractal Octave Periodic Table of Elements) Since these elaborations all follow the basic, universal pattern outlined by the Enneagram, we see that Gurdjieff had already outlined in the 1920's what is now called the Theory of Fractals, which is based on the self-similarity of a basic pattern elaborated at many different scales. For example, the branching patterns of trees are similar to the patterns of leaf veins, rivers and blood vessels and air passages in the lungs. Gurdjieff's unique contribution to the tradition of the Hermetic philosophers was to stress the importance of the discontinuities in the ratios of the notes of the octave. The intervals between mi-fa and si-do only comprise a half tone, while the rest of the intervals are a full tone apart. This is illustrated by the arrangement of a piano keyboard where the missing black keys denote the half tone discontinuities.
Gurdjieff maintains that as the energy and matter of the universe
transform up and down the cosmic scale, it requires an extra push or shock
when it reaches the shortened intervals in order to continue its
transformation. The requirements of these shocks are of critical importance
in relation to the higher evolution of humans beings. "The shock at the si-do (ti-do) interval is filled by the Will of
the Absolute. The three Laws of the second note of the Ray of Creation are
the direct manifestation of His Endlessness and this is called the
Theomertmalogos by Gurdjieff in Beelzebub's Tales. This is the Law of Three
in its first manifestation and it supplies the first shock and indicates
that all shocks require the three forces to be present."(The Endless Search,
2004 - 2017 Ian C. MacFarlane) The Will of the Absolute at the do-si interval or do-ti interval is a result of three forces - the first is the Affirming-force or the 'Pushing-force' or simply 'force-plus'; the second is the 'Denying-force' or the 'Resisting-force' or simply the Force-minus'; the third is the 'Reconciling-force' or the 'Equilibrating-force' or the 'Neutralizing-force'. (Gurdjieff)
H1 is hydrogen that has 11 dimensions (1-D to 11-D) or is an 11 dimensional being; H6 has 11 dimensions (1-D to 11-D) or is a 11 dimensional being; H12 has 10 dimensions (1-D to 10-D) or is a 10 dimensional beings; H24 has 9 dimensions (1-D to 9-D) or is a 9 dimensional being; H48 has 8 dimensions (1-D to 8-D) or is an 8 dimensional being; H96 has 7 dimensions (1-D to 7-D) or is a 7 dimensional being; H192 has 6 dimensions (1-D to 6-D) or is a 6 dimensional being; H384 has 5 dimensions (1-D to 5-D) or is a 5 dimensional being; H768 has 4 dimensions (1-D to 4-D)or is a 4 dimensional being; H1536 has 3 dimensions (1-D to 3-D) or is a 3 dimensional being; H3072 has 2 dimensions (1-D to 2-D) or is a 2 dimensional being; H6144 has 1 dimension (1-D) or is a 1 dimensional being; H12288 has zero dimension (0-D) or is a Point being. The 1st God or Spirit or matter with cosmic properties of Being Psyche Hydrogen is called 'H1' and the last is called 'H12288'. All these indices of hydrogen (H1 through H12288) are cosmic properties in all the atoms inthe periodic table of elements (atoms) which include quantum properties from the fundamental and the 2 lateral quantum octaves. Eternity, evervastness, everpresence, consciousness and psyche are in the 1st lateral quantum octave (TI-DO Interval or Period 6) and time and space dimensions are in the 2nd lateral quantum octave (MI-FA Interval or Period 7).
Diagram of Everything Living (All the Psyche Elements or Psyche Hydrogen Indices of all the Rays of Creation after the 1st and 2nd Step Downs to give Triple Squares of 2-3 psyche hydrogens)
The Creation of Being Psyche Hydrogens in Man
The shock in the cosmic scheme of things that is of particular relevance to humans is the mi-fa shock. The necessary impetus at this shock point is provided by certain emotional or psychic energies generated by the film of organic life that has evolved on the earth. This shock is itself an octave called by Gurdjieff a Lateral Octave. Three of the notes of this lateral octave are responsible for providing the required shock to the Ray of Creation, since all shocks require the three forces to be present. Humans are particularly proficient providers of these energies at the Mi-Fa Interval in the ray of creation where the 48 laws and the 96 laws occurred, especially when we generate them consciously. Unfortunately we don't often do that and consequently Great Nature is compelled to extract them by whatever means she can, such as war, famine and natural disasters that cause much strife and suffering amongst humans. The solution to this state of affairs at Mi-Fa Interval where we need to the WORK to free ourselves and reduce the laws that trapped us to 24 laws and to 12 laws, according to Gurdjieff, is to practice the spiritual disciplines that he calls Conscious Labor and Intentional Suffering which leads not only to the individual self-improvement of humans but also generates as a by-product just those energies required by Great Nature for the harmonious creation, maintenance, repair, destruction and rcreation of the cosmic, the geocosmic, the biocosmic, the sociocosmic and the technocosmic stopinders, and balance.
Organic life at MI-FA interval of the Ray of Creation receives its 3rd being-food (impressions) over very long historical periods and is influenced by them as follow: 1. The diurnal cycle of day and night as the earth rotates itself in a day 2. The 4 seasonal cycle of spring, summer, fall or autumn and winter as the earth revolves around the our sun in a year due to a Earth's Axial tilt of 23.4 degree 3. The 12 zodiac cycle of the following constellations Pisces, Aquarius, Capricornus, Sagittarius, Scorpius, Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus and Aries as the Earth's axial tilt of 23.4 degree and factor of its oval shape also cause it to gyrate through a precession of the equinoxes across these 12 zodiac constellations in a Platonic Year (25,772 years) 4. However, organic life's birth and rebirth itself is influenced by our sun in our Solar System revolving around the galactic center of our Milky Way Galaxy in one Galactic Year or Cosmic Year of about 225 to 250 million years at an average speed of about 230 km/s. The galactic center of the Milky Way Galaxy is located at Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), a supermassive black hole of mass 4.154 (approx.) million solar masses for which all the other solar systems revolve (spiral) around it.
5. Finally, the Organic life is influenced immediately due to proximity by the Geobiosociotechnosmos for which it is a part.
The Technocosmic Will 3 (So-Space Exploration), the Technocosmic Will 2 (La-Interplanetary Exploration) and the Technocosmic Will 1 (Ti-Interstellar Exploration) are human wills in essence imprisoned at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation, and struggle very hard to escaped earth to other interplanetary and interstellar celestial bodies. All their psyche hydrogens refined to hydrogens 6 in their 4 biological bodies could only help them to move psychically within itself and into the higher positions in the (our) Ray of Creation but not their biological bodies which could only physically within their own physical bodies on mother earth's crust and her atmosphere very much assisted by the human technocosmic beings created. Now, as gradually discovered by these human hethormen beings over time, the technocosmic beings was found able to used cosmic energies including the quantum and the psychic energies of the TI-DO Interval and merge them with the biocosmic and geocosmic energies to help them explore their outer spaces and the celestial bodies and escape from their entrapment at the MI-FA Interval. The psyche hydrogens of colonialism, imperialism and hegemonism are still being produced in their biocosmic bodies for 'SO', 'LA' and 'TI' sociocosmic gravity-centers and will still continue as 'DO' of the next higher octave, for which the reciprocal destruction law-conformable psyche hydrogens of interstellar sociotechnocosmic aberration colonialism, imperialism and hegemonism and the reciprocal nourishment law-conformable psyche hydrogens would still continue grow till 'Humanity-at-Large,' AI Robonity-at-Large' and SRobonity-at-Large' encounter other intergalactic colonial, imperial and hegemonic powers. A new kind of scientific religion in the narrative form known as the 'Alien Scripture' full of UFOs, ETs, has emerge in increasing sociocosmic impacts during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism. Aliens and all other alien-related beings of the TI-DO Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation begin to be scientifically "worshipped" by the three-centered hethormen human beings at the MI-FA Interval to be the most feared new Mr. God-Alien in the narrative of the hegemonic demonic alien scriptures which do not have three bodies like the organic beings of the MI-FA Interval, and would only make use of your three bodies to do dirty work for hegemonic military ambition to divide, control and to acquire land territories, colonies, islands, sea-routes, air-routes, planets, moons and space orbital positions. The sociocosmic octave of capitalistic essence ascends along the So-Space Exploration, La-Interplanetary Exploration and Ti-Interstellar Exploration is essentially subjected to the law of reciprocal destruction, the law of coercive competition and the law of struggle for survival and their negative hydrogen manifestations - Hasnamussian, lunatic, demonic and evil. The same sociocosmic octave of socialistic essence also ascend along the same So-, La- and Ti-stopinders but this time to the law of reciprocal nourishment, the law of cooperative tournament and the law of peaceful social co-existence and their positive hydrogen manifestations - sociocosmic obyvatel, good ethical hethormen human beings, developed and learned beings, and etcetera. The cleansing of such negative psyche hydrogens exist as there is a law of reciprocal nourishment at work alongside the law of reciprocal destruction.
Nay more to the current contemporary modern man (Homo sapiens sapiens) as below:
4. The Astronomical Science Model "The cosmic is above and below, up and down, left and right, in and out, Evervast of space and everpresence of time, infinitely big of spacetime (beyond googolplex) and infinitely small of spacetime (beyond Planck length and Planck time), and all and everywhere. The cosmic is in us and out of us, and only from us we know here as the quanta or wave-particle energy packets of which the minimum size and the distance amongst them is of Planck length (1.6 x 10-35m or about 10-20 times the size of a proton) and with cosmic properties of intelligence, eternity and consciousness (not quanta) taking the spaces smaller than the Planck's length or 'quantum space'. The Planck time or 'quantum time' is the time it would take a photon travelling at the speed of light to across a distance equal to this Planck length (10-43 seconds). Smaller than this time is about the cosmic properties of time and dimensions of intelligence, eternity and consciousness. Both these cosmic properties are all originated from the 1st lateral quantum octave of eternitum at the TI-DO and from the 2nd lateral quantum octave of timespace at the MI-FA Intervals of the fundamental quantum octave. The eternity and the purportedly 'smaller than Planck timespace in terms of Planck time and Planck length are the non-physical cosmic properties. As to the physical Planck mass it is comparatively very big. As shown in the table of masses of subatomic particles below: v (neutrino) = 0.8 eV/c2 e (electron) = 0.51 MeV/c2 u (up quark) = 1.9 MeV/c2 d (down quark) = 4.4 MeV/c2 s (strange quark) = 95 MeV/c2 p+ (proton) = 938.27 MeV/c2 n0 (neutron) = 939.57 MeV/c2 c (charm quark) = 1.32 GeV/c2 b (bottom quark) = 4.24 GeV/c2 t (top quark) = 172 GeV/c2 Planck mass (mp)= 1.22 x 1019 GeV/c2 and more than a million billion of the mass of the largest particles (top quark) or 2.176 x 10-8 kg or 10 times more massive than a human cell which is about 3 x 10-9 kg. Such a Planck mass is simply a quantum black hole, and the smallest one able to accomodate million billions of all types of sub-atomic particles inside it including the massless photons (if it is black hole). If Planck mass being has a mass, He must have eaten a lot when we caught Him as a creature of the Absolute Below! It itself has the primordial source cosmic properties (psyche, consciousness, etc.) of the Absolute Below on transit to the Absolute Above." (Tan Man Ho) This method is the Way of Astronomers, a phenomenal approach and together with the Way of the Astrologers who would include a reference to the noumenon or psyche in the Rays of Creation is one of the great and promising ways to explore, learn and build the model of the New Universe without ‘uncharted flight of fantasy’. Scientific observation, experimentation and productive engineering technologies for developing machines of exploration of the universe and scientific equipment are done by the hundreds of thousands and the puzzle of the universe is pieced together from time to time till most of the unknowns become known. It is the most careful, the most non-fantastic and slow and steady methodology to explore the universe. It is the honest way without much quotation mark! The space scientists assisted the ‘correction’ of any outpaced and outreached or even fantastic presumptions of other models of the universe and improves them closer to the real or actual model of the universe. It holds a “rein” to the highly imaginative coachman and a connecting “shaft” to the highly impulsive wild horses of the hackney-carriage of man. It is a physics way limited within its fullest boundary all inclusive but because of its physics methodologies and the over-dependent of quantitative measure mathematical beauty, it faces great difficulty in understanding and incorporating the world of qualitative changes within and without to its own limitation - consciousness, psyche, noosphere, subjectivity, cosmic properties, thinking center, feeling center, moving center, instinctive center, sex center, ghosts, specters, nirvana, kingdom of heaven, beings of all kinds, and even of functions, designs, symmetries and asymmetries, etc. This limitation becomes more and more apparent when it drowns itself into the World of Quantum Physics (also physics again) with a tinker of doubt always to the Wave physics whether it has “collapsed” or disappear -proving and justify this and that over the the wave-particle duality zero-sum physics mentality and worst without know how and without why there is such and such realities for which they have to be carried along properly with their physics carriage all the additional realities of psychic properties including intelligence, emoligence, instinct-ligence and sex-ligence, dimension properties of time, space, eternity, Omnivastness, Omnipresence, cosmic and biocosmic consciousness, levels of being, life properties, and all other main and sub-cosmic properties - biocosmic, sociocosmic, technocosmic, historical cosmic and the like, and materiality, immateriality and spirituality.
1. Absolute-Sun Octave 2. Sun-Earth Octave 3. Earth-Moon Octave
Sacred Askokin is the mysterious external vital energies needed by the moon from the Organic Life on Earth and is a "3rd lunatic-causing essence shock" between the moon and mother Earth for which this sacred askokin is extracted especially from the hethormen human beings during their rascooarno (death) caused by cosmic-induced wars such as WW I, II and even WW III and other death causing oppression, revolutions, civil wars, imperialist wars, genocides, sacred sacrifices of human and animal lives en masse, holy wars, etc. ..... and especially during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Period of Capitalism and Socialism (1788 AD - 2148 AD).
All Worlds (TI) or the World of
Galaxies were created after the vibration of the Absolute
(DO) in a Steady State Theory of Omnipresence and
Omnivastness, and a TI- octave of the World of Galaxies were
presumed first formed, and recently at least six of such very old massive
galaxies of the World of Galaxies (TI) were discovered by JWST (James Webb
Space Telescope) as reported by Michelle Starr in 23 February 2023 in a NASA
report and under observation for which the inner branch Rays of Creation
were gradually formed within them. All of them were about 500 to 700
million years more than 12 billion years old which is the age of Big Bang.
The Big Bang logic is a simple logic of moving from the very big into the
very small and then deducing the age of the present universe from this
beginning of the very small powerful Big Bang. No suspects of other logic
was conceivable by human reasoning. Then we have a problem of what
lies before this Big Bang and where and when this expansion will stop - now
it is the existence of even more massive galaxies before this (our) known
Big Bang. So there was an earlier Big Bang or even more big bangs before
this (our) Big Bang. Our universe is an enneagram that began with a
Big Bang (DO, TI, LA, SO, FA, MI, RE and DO), before it a few more
enneagrams and after it many more enneagrams. This logic of only
one Big Bang is logically flawed! The six massive galaxies older than Big Bang Each by the Octet Rule of cosmic stopinderation from TI-Galaxy (All Worlds) to LA-All Suns to SO-Sun (a sun of the many) to FA-All Planets (a planetary system of the many) to MI-Exoplanet (an earth-like exoplanet of the many) to RE-Moon (a lunar system of the many) and to the Absolute Below closing the octet or octave with the Absolute Above (in 8 gravity-center cosmic concentrations). There are 6 of them indicating there has been 6 Big Bangs, excluding our 'Big Bang' of this 'The (Our) Ray of Creation.' Here one (1) Big Bang from the Absolute Above and/or the Absolute Below generates one (1) Ray of Creation. As observed, seven (7) or an octet of the 7 ‘Big Bangs’ has already happened.
The Grand Big Bang and showing the 3 Inner (Lateral) Octaves of the (our) Ray of Creation
Seeing the same astronomical universe in another way. Diagram on the
right shows Rays of Creation using a Gurdjieffian and Ouspenskian Approach.
A more accurate scenario without scaling down twice in both ways! The
Absolute Below will beget the Absolute Above but only in the next "Big Bang"
- the next universe cycle will begin. What is the function of black holes?
5. The Standard Model of the Periodic
Table of the Particles (Sub-atomic particles)
The Standard Model of Elementary Particles and Quantum Octave's Possible Connection
Explanation of the Quantum Octave and how it has become a Conceptual Framework as introduced by Professor Dr. Tan Man Ho
1. Wave-Particle unity is a 'Yin-Yang' unity. The former is western philosophy while the latter is Chinese philosophy. The collapse of one is the emergence of the other - the collapse of the wave is the particle and the collapse of the particle is the wave. But the collapse of the two leads to the absolute or the Nothing which is the 'Wu.' The quanta are '0' and '1' exclusivity and a resolving third factor or a '0-and-1' such as quantum chromodynamics where from it (this third factor) everything begins to arise). They are a trinity. The law of triad is used to put wave and quantum together. The quantum standard elementary particles are then put together using the law of octave - standard elementary particles are part of the fundamental quantum octave (TI, LA, SO and FA) and the mysterious dimensions (wave-less and particle-less) of the ever-unchanging eternitum and the dimensions of ever-changing spacetime are then placed at the respective TI-DO Interval and the MI-FA Interval because they are not the same as waves or particles, also different from the standard elementary particles, and something truly unique of its own. Yet the ever-unchanging eternity octave of dimensions and the ever-changing timespace octave of dimensions are uniquely different. The remaining part of the fundamental quantum octave is used for the micro-bodies (MI), the mini-and macro-bodies (RE) and the final mega-sized celestial bodies (DO). The law of triad and the law of octave are used to put them all together. The process of mechanically flowing away from a lower level of understanding philosophy into the specific sciences and into engineering technologies of practice must also flow back to philosophy at a higher level of understanding. Below is a diagram of the conceptual framework of the Quantum Octave as introduced by me for my own understanding, and it is hope that it might be useful and relevant for the public-at-large. In this conceptual framework of the Quantum Octave, the fundamental Quantum Octave or mainstream consists of a descending octave from the Absolute (DO) which is an Eternity of Dimensions and a singularity of dimension wholeness. Entering the DO-TI Interval (in a descending octave and TI-DO Interval in an ascending octave) where the 1st Lateral Quantum-cosmic Stopinders of Eternitum dimensions are filled from outside: At DO-TI Interval which is an Eternity, there is a higher level "filling" of an Eternitum dimension of quantum-cosmic stopinders consisting of seven (7) 1st lateral quantum-cosmic stopinders, namely: Ominpresence-Omnivast Absolute (Do), Eternal Unchanging (Ti), Everpresence of Time (EPT or T4) (La), Evervastness of Space (EVS or S4) (So), Cosmic Consciousness or Cosmic-C (Fa), an inner Mi-Fa Interval of Cosmic-C & Bio-C Divide, Delta-Theta brainwaves (Mi), Alpha brainwaves (Re) and Beta brainwaves (Do). Leaving the DO-TI Interval into the mainstream of the fundamental Quantum Octave, it continues to descend in Temporal Dimensions as mainstream Quantum Force Carrier Fields in the form of Gluons (TI) which consist of strong nuclear force such as strong force and Quantum Chromodynamics, W&Z Bosons (LA) which consist of weak nuclear force such as weak force and electro-weak, Photons (SO) which consist of electromagnetic force such as electromagnetism and quantum electrodynamics, Gravitons (FA) which consist of gravitational force such as gravity and quantum gravity. Entering the FA-MI Interval (in a descending octave and MI-FA Interval in an ascending octave) where the 2nd Lateral Quantum-cosmic Stopinders of Timespace dimensions are filled from outside: Then the quantum forces continue in the FA-MI Interval which is another lower level "filling" of a Timespace dimension of quantum-cosmic stopinders consisting of seven (7) 2nd lateral quantum-cosmic stopinders, namely: Perpetual Changing (do), Point-Timespace (ti), Line-Timespace (la), Plane-Timespace (so), Solid-Timespace (fa), mi-fa Interval of Time & Space Divide, Z-axis of Space (mi), Y-axis of Space (re) and X-axis of Space (do) Leaving again the FA-MI Interval into the mainstream of the fundamental Quantum Octave, it continues to descend in Spatial Dimensions of non-quantum-cosmic stopinders as Classical Mechanical Forces in the form of physical Micro-bodies (MI) such as atoms, molecules and compounds, physical Mini- and Macro-bodies (RE) such as physical bodies and objects found around man and finally physical Mega-sized Celestial-bodies (DO) such as moons, planets, suns, solar systems and galaxies. The descending Quantum Octave is complete and awaits the possible ascending Quantum Octave. This is the conceptual framework for the Quantum Octave and the two (2) lateral descend-able and ascend-able within as a conceptual framework introduced by Professor Dr. Tan Man Ho.
Only the ABSOLUTE (DO), after completing its creation of its Omnipresent-Omnivast Absolute (Do), its Eternal Unchanging (Ti), its Everpresence of Time (EPT) (La) and its Evervastness of Space (EVS) (So) at the TI-DO Interval sets a Speed Limit of Light for their own retardation and all other massless particles at C = 299 792 458 m/s and all other particles, micro-bodies, mini- and macro-bodies and mega-celestial bodies are should not be able to move beyond this speed limit accept the ABSOLUTE (DO) and His four (4) companions. Only the ABSOLUTE, the Omnipresent-Omnivast Absolute, the Eternal Unchanging, the Evepresence of Time and the Evervastness of Space being 'all-at-an-instance' beings are capable of moving above or beyond this speed limit of light. As to Cosmic Consciousness (Cosmic-C) (Fa), it is an unlikely case that it would move above or beyond the speed limit of light except on occasions. The Biocosmic consciousness (Bio-C) (Mi, Re and Do) after the Cosmic-C-Bio-C Divide of the Mi-Fa Interval is certainly moving very much below the speed limit of light perhaps around 100 m/s - being just one of the Organic Life biocosmic creatures found in one of the billions of MI-FA Intervals in the (our) Ray of Creation. The speed limit of light, C = 299 792 458 m/s is a measure (by man) through physical methods on a massless particle found in the light source here known as photon which is a massless particle of the SO-stopinder of the Fundamental Quantum Octave. The other massless particles are gluon, Z boson and graviton. The graviton is unique due to its position as a FA-stopinder near the MI-FA Interval in the Fundamental Quantum Octave. It is quantum gravity particle that functions to set a Mass Limit Aberration to all moving particles with mass or massless, and the micro-bodies, mini-&-macro-bodies and the mega-celestial bodies present in the Fundamental Quantum Octave through a necessary MI-FA Interval filling of Perpetual Changing (do) timespace dimensionalities (ti, la, so and fa) with a Time-Space Divide of the mi-fa interval, and subsequent (mi, re and do of space dimensionalities) - all of which are necessary fillings for this MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Quantum Octave.
that the hypothetical quantum of gravitational energy, regarded as a
particle called 'graviton' is not included as a period in this Quantum
Octaves as yet. Graviton, being a string in semblance is fundamentally
a massless particle, zero charge but 2 spin because it is a tensor boson (T
boson), one of the W+, W-, Z0
and T stopinders of the boson family at
the quantum level. The gravitons would Period 5 of the Quantum
Octaves. The symbol of Graviton is 'G' and there is only one type of
Gravity ('g') and thus only one unique type of graviton ('G') in the 5th quantum octave.
It becomes gravitinos of the fermion families and a unique "lepton" by
itself. It would still be hypothetically zero charge but with 3/2 spin,
and the "symbols" used
The gravitino stopinders with their quantitative different masses together with the force carrier gravitational field obey the Pythagorean Monochord Harmonic Scale, and through its law of octave produce an inner octave of primordial gravity-centers Do, Ti, La, So, Fa, Mi, Re and Do for the gravitino stopinders of this Period 5 of the fundamental quantum octaves. Upon the collection of more and more masses in the form of descending octave of particles, atoms, compounds, micro-bodies, mini- and macro-bodies and the super mega-celestial bodies, these cosmic stopinders gradually make their way into the lower fundamental cosmic stopinders (MI, RE and DO) enter into the range of our visible universe in form of the (our) visible Ray of Creation with definite micro, mini, macro and super mega gravity-centers for which we can observe and study with our naked eyes and our technocosmic electron microscopes and telescopes. For those very small wave-particles, out of our visible range, we have developed technocosmic ways to discover, "observe" and predict their existence. Beyond the quantum world into the classical world of Newtonian Mechanics gravity is given the symbol of 'g'. The classical world of Newtonian Mechanics consists the world of Micro-bodies ('MI' of the fundamental octave of dimensions) such as the atoms, molecules, compounds, the mini-& macro-bodies ('RE' of the fundamental octave of dimensions) such as the physical bodies and objects found around man and the mega-sized celestial bodies ('DO' of the fundamental octave of dimensions) such the moons, planets, suns, solar systems and the galaxies). The mass of these huge physical bodies can increase indefinitely and limited only by the mass of the whole universe itself. This world is spatial (x-, y- and z- axes) dimensions significance with substantial distances amongst the physical bodies and time is one dimensional, irreversible and separated from space, and can objectively be given starting and ending point, timed, dated, month-ed and year-ed with set clocks and Calendars of various wenming civilizations. The objective time is NOT a real subjective time as it is but is simply objective connections of matter in motion, of events and activities through the parameters of objective time and space. All the timespace stopinders (Perpetual Changing, Point-ts, Line-ts1, Plane-ts2, Solid-ts3, mi-fa interval Time & Space Divide, Space-Z, Space-Y and Space-X) in the 2nd lateral quantum octave are objective time and space parameters and can often be contracted and expanded to fit in mathematical equations that would give satisfactory objectively measured results in scientific experiments. All eternity stopinders (Omnipresence-Omnivast Absolute, Eternal Unchanging, EPT or T4, EVS or S4, Cosmic Consciousness, mi-fa interval Cosmic-C & Bio-C Divide, and all the Bio-Cs in the 1st lateral quantum octave are also objective eternity time and space parameters - and with a non-computational value, and that is 'INFINITY' Ominpresence of time-to-be becoming Everpresence of Time (EPT or T4) and Omnivastness of space-to-be becoming Evervastness of Space (EVS or S4). Because man is a bio-conscious creature of the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation, he cannot feel and experience this 'INFINITY' except by extrapolation of time and space to what they should be in the something higher and above. However, the Bio consciousness (Bio-C) consists of the 4 stopinders (Delta brainwaves, Theta brainwaves, Alpha brainwaves and Beta brainwaves) or changing states of bio-consciousness at the Mi-Fa Interval of the 1st lateral quantum octave the eternity parameter where eternity is lost, and these "eternity" stopinders can be subjectively felt and experienced and becomes computational especially with frequencies and duration which can be measured objectively in relation to one state and another, among various human brains and the brains of other biocosmic species. However, subjective time itself or psychological time is noumenally felt and experience always in endless motion is uniquely subjective and independent to every moving bodies or rest bodies, in relative or "absolute" motion, physical or non-physical for which we can never know its source of arising and its ending and its vastness - they are everpresence and evervastness. From the Eternity, Omnipresence and Omnivastness Absolute arise the many Rays of Creation for which the (our) Ray of Creation or the (our) Universe is only one of them. All and Everything named by man are only the little part of this wholeness of the Eternitum! This include the named we give to this "Big Bang" purportedly narrated about this the (our) Ray of Creation and just for this ray of creation as observed by this type of man called the Homo sapiens some already become Homo sapiens sapiens, and from this MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation. For Eternity dimensions, I proposed that Omnipresence-Omnivast Absolute, Eternal Unchanging, the Everpresence of time (EPT or T4) and the Evervastness of Space (EVS or S4) and Cosmic consciousness (Cosmic-C) all of which have cosmic properties of presence, vastness, intelligence, psychicity, noosphere and the noumenon as massless 1st Lateral Quantum Octave (or inner octave). Connected to Cosmic consciousness is Bio consciousness (Bio-C) consisting of the Delta brainwaves (0 - 4 Hz), the Theta brainwaves (4 - 7 Hz), the Alpha brainwaves (7 - 13 Hz) and the Beta brainwaves (13 - 40 Hz)] which are not eternal or immortal in essence even though placed in the eternity continuum - die with the death of the brains. We can have Quantum Eternity as Period 6 of the 1st Lateral Quantum Octave - eternity above and temporal below. For Timespace dimensions, I proposed that Perpetual Changing, Point-timespace (Point-ts), Line-timespace (Line-ts1), Plane-timespace (Plane-ts2), Solid-timespace (Solid-ts3), mi-fa interval Time & Space Divide, Space-Z, Space-Y and Space-Z with temporal and spatial objective cosmic properties as the 2nd Lateral Quantum Octave (or inner octave). We can then have Quantum Timespace as Period 7 of the 2nd Lateral Quantum Octave. Thus Periods 1 through 5 are the Fundamental Quantum Octaves and Period 6 and 7 are also the Fundamental Quantum Octaves but are considered as the Inner (lateral) Fundamental Octaves. In this way, all these naturally discovered or lab-created qualitatively different particle stopinders can be allocated and given their octave homes and addresses. To change particle quality, the law of triad is needed but to move particles of the same without change of quality the law of force is needed (not the law of triad). In quantum chemistry both the law of force and the law of triad applied as can be observed from the Feynman diagram of the pictorial representation of the mathematical expressions describing the incoming force driving the different subatomic particles interacting in a quantum chemical process and producing new particles in accordance to the law of triad. An example of a Feynman diagram:
3. Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC) is yet another semblance of the essential law of octave for which loops are the semblance to the concentricity of the octave notes as octave ascends and descends along the notes and from one lower octave into the next higher octave and for which intervals at MI-FA and TI-DO could also provide loops. The String Theory as applied to the quanta dimensions is essentially an octave law at work for which a semblance of a "string concept" is narrated. "The smallest octave of the physical world of elementary particles is the String Octave. Each string of the same typeof elementary sub-atomic particle is a string, and it is in constant vibration rising as note 'Do' = 1, 'Re' = 1/2, 'Mi'= 1/3, 'Fa' = 1/4, 'So'= 1/5, 'La' = 1/6 and 'Ti' = 1/7, and increasing its frequency of vibration in 7 steps for each elementary sub-atomic particles." (Proposed by Professor Dr. Tan Man Ho)
The string octave is the mother of all other octaves due to its being the smallest octave in the universe very active in the preon world behind the quantum world. Both the String Theory and the Loop Quantum Cosmology bring us closer to the general universal Law of Octave and the Super-symmetry concept brings us closer to the Law of Triad. Smaller than the quantum world of elementary is the preon world work of the smallest particles and explained in the superstring theory where particles smaller than Planck Length (10-35 meters) which can no longer be measured is narrated. Without lengths of computationable physical particle you can only speak of vibrations without matter of the general harmonic cosmic notes - do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do ........... which coat physical matter and its cosmic, functional, psychic and consciousness properties. The string octave is the smallest octave fluxing omnivastly, omnipresencely and endlessly as a musical symphony of the universe! By the Octet Rule, there are eight (8) main types of String stopinders in the String Octave (the smallest of all known octaves). Each string type is an octave itself or can be an octave if the octet rule is completed. The types of string stopinders which are the types of fundamental 'notes' of the Fundamental Quantum Octaves (Period 1 to Period 5) can be up to 5 periods x 7 'notes' = 35 fundamental period-notes plus 3 'Do' type string stopinders or fundamental period-notes (Higgs, W-boson and T boson), the fundamental string stopinders for the 'coming-to-be' of all the 38 particles (graviton inclusive) in the Standard Model of Elementary Particles. The types of string stopinders which are the unique types of the lateral 'notes' of the Lateral Quantum Octaves (Period 6 and Period 7) are 2 periods x 7 lateral 'notes' = 14 lateral period-notes plus 2 'Do' unique type string stopinders or lateral period-notes (Omni Absolute and Perpetual Changing), the lateral string stopinders for the 'coming-to-be' of the 8 Eternitum and 8 timespace quantum dimensions. The total number of types of string stopinders can be up to 38 + 16 = 54 types but the total number of string stopinders can be a googolplex or just an infinity number. The string stopinders must be everywhere and permeate into every dimensions of all the Rays of Creation as their smallest octaves. The next higher octave after the string octave is the quantum octave, followed by the atomic octave or the octave of atomic elements and continues to the octaves of molecules, chemical compounds, micro-bodies, mini-bodies, ..... the octaves of cosmic Rays of Creation. Each level is a world of its own. As to the extra dimensions needed for mathematical consistency of the preon world and the quantum world, the string theories of this "objective-subjective" string tri-octaves phenoumenon over periods of sevens of the fundamentals and laterals of the standard elementary particles, after seeing more and more of this peculiar universe but without a thought for the law of three and the law of seven, and deeply swimming in the peculiar behavior of subjective quantitative changes and objective qualitative measures in their own evervast ocean of being-psyche mathematics now presence as a permanent piece and second nature to them and in the psyche man generally, the contemporary physicists expressed as such: "For mathematical consistency, in bosonic string theory, spacetime requires 26-dimensions; in superstring theory, it requires 10-dimensions; and in Matrix-theory, it requires 11-dimensions. But for classical Newtonian micro-bodies, mini- and macro-bodies and the mega-sized celestial bodies, we need a 3-dimensional space and a 1-dimensional irreversible time to completely define its space and time phenomenon in its frame of reference, and maintain its needed mathematical consistency." What about the eternity dimension possibility of the unassuming ABSOLUTE (DO) or 'WU' or 'NOTHING' at the TI-DO Interval of the Universe? Certainly much more than the limited 26 dimensions of the bosonic string theory.
4. The most general laws of the universe is the law of triad and the law of octave for which many other fundamental and derived laws are built upon in certain specific and general ways. Law of Triad:
1. T
A 1st Triad is possible consisting of the sub-atomic particles (1), the Bosons (2) and the Fermions (3) which leads to the 2nd Triad consisting of the Fermions (3 becomes 1), the Leptons (2) and the Hadrons (3) which then leads to the 3rd Triad which consists of the Hadrons (3 becomes 1), the Baryons (2) and the Mesons (3). The Bosons, the Leptons, the Baryons and the Mesons each of them has its own inner octaves of elementary particles or distinct sub-atomic particles.
These elementary particles are "spiritual-like players" of the Will of the Absolute in all the rays of creation in a multiverse. The Will of the Absolute is in the Gurdjieffian vastness of endless Etherokrilno or the quantum fields - strong nucleon field, weak fields (including Higgs field), electromagnetic field and gravitational field, etcetera, all before Theomertmalogos or All Worlds of suns in stars and galaxies existing during and after the Age of Atoms. However, this hypothesis is from the consciousness or psyche available, possible and present only at the (our) MI-FA Interval specific amongst trillions of other MI-FA intervals existing in all the rays of creation of a multiverse or multi-ray of creations.
5 However, for those micro-bodies, mini- & macro-bodies and the mega-sized celestial bodies or stopinders (MI. RE and DO) of the Fundamental Octave of Dimensions, they cannot be accelerated up the speed of light and always travel at very much lower speeds except in relative motion for which they can only travel near to the speed of light, never at the speed of light and never beyond it EXCEPT upon entering a black hole or a wormhole.
Elements of the particles are housed in the fundamental quantum octave which consist of the Absolute (a singularity), the Gluons, the W & Z Bosons, the Photons and the Gravitons (Periods 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5; elements of the non-particles (waves and dimensions) are housed in the 2 lateral quantum octaves - the 1st lateral octave of eternity (as Period 6 in the Periodic Table of Particles) which consists the eternity elements (eternitum dimensions) of Omnipresence-Omnivastness Absolute, Eternal Unchanging, Everpresence of Time (EPT or T4), Evervastness of Space (EVS or S4), an inner mi-fa interval of Cosmic Consciousness and Bio Consciousness Divide (Cosmic-C & Bio-C Divide) transition of consciousness states, and the final bio-consciousness brainwave equivalent such as the Delta-Theta, Alpha and Beta brainwaves; and the 2nd lateral octave of timespace (as Period 7 in the Periodic Table of Particles) which consists of the timespace elements (timespace dimensions) such as the Perpetual Changing, Point-Timespace (Point-ts), Line-Timespace (Line-ts1), Plane-Timespace (Plane-ts2), Solid-Timespace (Solid-ts3), an inner mi-fa interval of Time & Space Divide that separate the objective time from the subjective time causing objective time to become one-directional and irreversible and the objective space from the subjective space, and the final three Z-axis, Y-axis and X-axis of objective space.
All and everything should be narrated on everything without lopsidedly using a ONE to explain in exclusive manner the infinitely many! That would be one-God, one-Absolute, one-Quantum, one-Unify Field and so on, reduced to the ULTIMATE CAUSE to the One World disregarding the parts, scales and all other intermediary causes. This is an error and also a danger! 6. The 1st Lateral Quantum Octave of Period 6 is subjected to acceleration and retardation of forces at the TI-DO Interval from the Fundamental Quantum Octave and its inner acceleration/retardation at it own inner Ti-Do and Mi-Fa Intervals. Such arisings of eternitum energies from this 1st Lateral Quantum Octave is due to the law of triad operating at the intervals and contemporary physicists have being observing and studying it suspecting it to be the cause or influencer of the expansion-must of the universe but please, although not often mentioned there is also a contraction-must of the universe - this ‘something influencing from the backdrop,' they called it Dark Energy, and it occupies about 68% in the present-day observable universe. Only the 1st Lateral Quantum Octave has enough peculiar parameters of its own - cosmic consciousness, bio-consciousness, Everpresence of Time, Evervastness of Space mostly non-computational - that can fit and explain this strange phenoumena aspects of the universe (with cosmic psyche properties and consciousness). The 2nd Lateral Quantum Octave of Period 7 is subjected too with acceleration and retardation of forces at the MI-FA Interval from the Fundamental Quantum Octave and its inner acceleration/retardation at its own inner ti-do and mi-fa Intervals. Such arisings of timespace energy from this 1st Lateral Quantum Octave is again due to the law of triad operating at the intervals and contemporary physicists have being observing and studying it suspecting it to be the cause or influencer of the structure and evolution of the visible universe or the cosmic concentrations of visible matter. It occupies 85% of the peculiar dark matter where, unlike eternitum of the 1st Lateral Quantum Octave where the dark energy is the influencer, here in the 2nd Lateral Quantum Octave, time and space or timespace is inseparable from them, and with time there would be motion and evolution and with space there would be micro-bodies, mini- & macro-bodies and the mega-sized celestial bodies. Physicists called it Dark Matter as it does not absorb, reflect, or emit electromagnetism and related to gravity of Period 5 of the Fundamental Quantum Octave. Only the 2nd Lateral Quantum Octave has enough peculiar parameters of its own - subjective timespaces, objective timespaces, irreversible time, space-z, space-y, space-x and gravity - that can fit and explain this strange phenomena aspects of the universe. The terms 'Dark Energy' and ‘Dark Matter’ are not the best term from the lens of quantum octaves as it is too identified with 'Light' vs ‘Dark’ - they are Eternitum energies (Dark Energy) of the 1st Lateral Quantum Octave at the "SO-LA"/TI-DO Interval of the Fundamental Quantum Octave or Point 6 of the Fundamental Quantum Enneagram and Timespace energies (Dark Matter) of the 2nd Lateral Quantum Octave at the MI-FA Interval of this same Fundamental Quantum Octave or Point 3 of this same Quantum Enneagram. Point 0/9 is the Absolute 'DO'.
Notice that scientists have explored and experimented much on some elements and atoms for their cosmic properties in the realm of physical and phenomenal paradigm but not yet for any cosmic properties in the consciousness properties in the realm of psychic and noumenal paradigm. This is the missing dimension of the limitation contemporary scientific and technological approach. Those are for future research! Some of the explored and experimented elements or atoms with results for their physical cosmic properties and their signatures of mystery in the world of the very high rate of vibration of matter are listed below (atomic number, symbol): Hydrogen (1, H), Helium (2, He), Oxygen (8, O), Calcium (20, Ca), Nickel (28, Ni), Ruthenium (44, Ru), Rhodium (45, Rh), Palladium (46,Pd), Silver (47,Ag), Cadmium (48, Cd), Indium (49, In), Tin (50, Sn), Antimony (51, Sb), Tellurium (52, Te), Iodine (53, I), Xenon (54, Xe), Cesium (55, Cs), Barium (56, Ba), Lead (82, Pb), Lanthanum (57, La), Cerium (58, Ce), Samarium (62, Sm), Europium (63, Eu), Gadolinium (64, Gd), Ytterbium (70, Yb), Lutetium (71, Lu) and also all the other elements or atoms in the Periodic Table of Elements have been explored for their Predicted Rest Mass (GeV/C2)2. Humanity has been observing, exploring deeply into the sub-atomic particles of the chemical elements which are classified in the Periodic Table of Elements (atoms) to discover more particles and their properties and functions each time getting closer to understanding their cosmic properties and/or psychic properties. Through scientific experimentation and thoughtful reliance on triad and octave laws and various paradigms known to-date, humanity will soon understand the nature of elementary particles and harness this resources for the benefit of mankind. However, the study of elementary particles
octaves (quantum octaves), the study of elements octaves, the study of the octave of the
states of matter, the study of the biocosmic octaves, the study of psyche
octaves, the study of the sociocosmic octaves, the study of technocosmic
octaves and the study the cosmic octaves are all partial studies of this All
and Everything, and each study could develop a set of theories to be finally
linked to the other sets of theories. Putting together these sets of
theories in juxtaposition linked or unlinked would not give you a unified
theory of everything. But discovering the same basic and underlying
laws that operate through all these studies or domains such as the Law of
Triad and the Law of Octave would qualified this grand unification of All
and Everything. What is the source of Gurdjieff and his
groups’ World Knowledge? This world knowledge, sometimes narrowly called
the Fourth Way, or rather this kind of world knowledge and it's form or
identity as observed by us has its source from Gurdjieff and all his
"disciples" of the 20th and 21st centuries. However, such a body of
world knowledge does come into being from prior sources which are
qualitatively and noticeably different from Gurdjieff's. This so-called
source is a multiple source full of fragments from many sub-sources blending
together to be synthesized and reborn (eureka) as a new world knowledge
fully integrated and with great coverage (as "All & Everything" implies).
Two great general laws of the universe stand out as a unifying factor and
they are the laws of three and the laws of seven. These laws are carefully
applied in the study of the universe (cosmic), man and man's psyche by the
earlier Gurdjieff's group. However, about my contribution as a 3rd
generation group to this body of world knowledge, I, eureka-ly have applied
the same laws on society, technological creations of man (sponsored
machines, robots and technological immobilias such as buildings), chemical
elements for an interpretation of the laws of seven to them, on the quantum
world for cosmic ghosts or psychic wave-particles and biological beings for
which biological triads and octaves are applied to the best, and which have
not being fully done by the earlier Gurdjieff's group. An aspect of this
application results in a new body of world knowledge that further complement
the Darwinian body of knowledge and the Marxian historicism if the same laws
are applied to biology and society, or further complementary contribution to
the current periodic table of elements or to the periodic table of elements
wave-particles (quanta) where cosmic properties of psychic properties appear
spooky. Another model notable in this body of work knowledge is the model of the 4 bodies and often with the constant reference to three structural gravity-centers such as Hethormen (head, thorax and abdomen) for biological beings, Laujinggong (Boss, manager and worker) for sociological beings, Padrigine (Passenger, Driver and Engine) for technological beings, The three plus (+) a physical or first body or a carriage make up a 4-bodied being and the psychic centers in them. The laws of octave is always accompanied with the two fundamental Pythagorean MI-FA Interval and the TI-DO Interval and 2 lateral octaves whether fully of partially evolved. The Enneagram is another way of presenting the same law of three and law of seven with mathematical ratiocination principle applied on 1 totality into the 7 notes, notably the 1/7 = 0.142857 142857 .... and always accompanied by the spooky "SO-LA Interval." This Enneagram model together with Periodic Table
of Octaves, and Triads is the approach used to interpret, understand and
change ourselves and also our external world.